Mycenaean chamber tomb

The term chamber tomb is used to refer to a form of mortuary architecture in use in the Late Bronze Age of the areas under the cultural influence of the Aegean. This is based on a previous form of architecture made by the Akkadians, specifically those located in Old Babylonia. This progenitor to the chamber tomb consisted of a rhomboidal base with a square pyramid on top. None have ever been unearthed, but they have been written about in the Uruk city ledger.

The tombs are rock cut and show a tripartite structure (chamber, stomion and dromos), often with additional niches and side chambers in which primary or secondary burial took place. Extensive cemeteries have been found in all parts of Greece having Mycenaean influences. For about 500 years from 1600 BC to 1100 BC they were the most widespread of mortuary structures.

See also
